The concretions from Ulmet: Protected area starting with 2018
Have you ever been to the Ulmet concretions? They are traditionally called old ladies, mushrooms or boulders. In fact, there are some natural forms that are formed as a result of cementation processes. It is a rather complicated recipe that takes place underground, in the groundwater. But not everywhere, because otherwise we would find concretions every time we dig a well!
A source of "cement" and a "cementing" agent are needed to form the concretions. The concretions from Ulmet are made up of sands deposited in a prehistoric delta. Because yes, in Bozioru there was a delta almost 15 million years ago. Many aquatic animals lived in that delta, so the sands are full of shell and snail shells. Here is the source of cement! The cementing agent is the very rare water found in this area. These are acidic waters that dissolve the shells becoming enriched with calcium. This water then seeps into the groundwater, which contains normal water.
There, after some reactions, it gets rid of all the calcium. Where does the calcium go? It settles on the sand grains which begin to stick to each other, forming concretions.
Their formation, whether spherical, ellipsoidal, cylindrical or spiral, can take thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Then, little by little, the wind and rain reveal them through erosion.
That is why such a site, like the Concretions of Ulmet, is a rare treasure that must be protected and cared for. In 2018, together with the Bozioru Commune City Hall, we took this important step. Our team made the documentation and management notes of the site. Later, they were adopted in the Local Council and the Ulmet Concretions became a protected area of community interest.
Now, as we implement management ideas, this natural treasure is better protected and brings an income to the community. If you want to consult the report based on which the site was protected and its management notes, you can find them in the file below. We are inviting you to come to Ulmet!
Raport Arie Protejata Babele de la Ulmet